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Mairead Moriarty


By Mairead Moriarty, Holistic Wellbeing Coach, Motivational Speaker, Meditation Guide

Here are Two Questions that will save you a lot of money, time, energy ….

Question One: How much time, money and energy did you invest on ‘stuff’ last year? By stuff, I mean cosmetics, clothes, apps, memberships, procedures, holidays, romantic dates, activities, home remodelling etc. Stuff that was meant to increase your happiness, make you feel great about yourself, and expand your sense of personal fulfillment.

Question Two: What return did you get on your time/money/energy investment in that ‘stuff’? Did the object or action enhance your life for an hour, a week, six months, or permanently?

In honour of today, 1 February – most appropriately, St Brigid’s Day / the first day of Spring - as you embark on another year chasing the Stuff of Dreams, please consider the following:

What is it you want from life? (... and please don't think small when you consider this question!)

Are you searching for a more attractive body, better health, more energy, fulfilling relationships, a meaningful and thriving career, confidence, being a loving and lovable human being – or a combination of these?

Once you know what it is you want, you can honestly decide where to invest your time, money, and energy to get these things not just for a day, a week, or a year but for a lifetime. If you are unsure where to start your search, please remember that seeking 'stuff' outside yourself to fulfil these goals won’t bring you the deeply rewarding and lasting results you deserve.

All the resources you need to reach a place of true health and happiness are already within you. It’s in the power you possess to nurture, manage, and create your uniquely fabulous life.  This is the essence of Holistic Wellbeing: tangible and sustainable results, achieved effortlessly.

So much of marketing aimed at women today is replaying the same message: Buy this to make you feel better about your body and life reinforcing the idea that we haven't enough strength, resources, or intelligence to make meaningful changes without external props. It's time to take back your power.

Forget the Stuff of Dreams, embrace your Powerful Reality!

Join me in Killarney on 24 February 2024 at the Brehon Hotel for a day of transformational women’s wellbeing where you won’t need any stuff  (except what’s already within you) to begin the amazing journey to a fabulous and meaningful life. 

Book your ticket at or via Eventbrite / It’s Time To Shine



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