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The Happiness Paradox

Mairead Moriarty

The Happiness Paradox

by Mairead Moriarty

Wellbeing Coach

Draw up a list of all the things that make you happy. You know the kind of stuff … holidays, socialising, chocolate, new shoes, pets. It’s likely that a lot of your time and resources are focused on experiencing some or all of these happiness markers.

Imagine if you could spend all your time enjoying any and all of these events. Would it mean that your life would be brimming full of happiness and contentment? Apparently not.

The Happiness Paradox states that the more time and energy you put into chasing down, consuming, and immersing yourself in these areas, the overall reduction in your feelings of happiness. Why?

It's because as humans we have mistaken happiness for our purpose in life. What you are unconsciously searching for is something other than happiness. It’s a thing called Joy.

Joy is lasting based on inward circumstances, whereas Happiness is temporary based on outward circumstances. Please don’t discount the pleasure of happiness, it’s a wonderful part of life, but without contact with the Joy within, you will ultimately feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

And if you’re wondering how to generate Joy, here are some guidelines: Find your purpose in life that involves being of service to others. This could be through your career or by volunteering. Practice gratitude and thankfulness for the blessings of human connection in your life. Engage meaningfully with the natural world around you and find your happy place on this planet. Embrace your imperfect life and realise your value as a human being.

No fleeting pleasures will transcend the Joy of finding your purpose in life.

Call me on 0868596409 if you would like to discover your purpose in life.



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